Athletes to watch in Rio
Staff Sgt. John Nunn
38, Army, 3rd Olympics
Race Walking
“I’m probably in some of the best shape I’ve ever been in my life. Even at this age, I feel better ‘in shape-wise’ than I was even when I was in my 20s.”
Edward King
27, Navy, First Olympics
Lightweight Four Rowing
“I had always been intrigued by the water and the romantic image of a single scull moving through the water… I visited Hubbard Hall (which houses the Naval Academy team’s rowing program). The sport immediately captivated me.”
Staff Sgt. Glenn Eller
34, Army, Fifth Olympics
Double Trap Shotgun Shooting
“You take great pride and honor representing the United States at the Olympic Games, and to me, it’s even more of an honor to be able to do that and wear the military uniform.”
Spc. Shadrack Kipchirchir
27, Army, First Olympics
10,000-Meter Track & Field
“Distance running has given me a discipline. But I want to have that military background.”
Engineer Sean Furey
33, Navy, Second Olympics
Javelin Throw
“People put Olympians on a pedestal. I was just stupid enough to keep going. Plenty of people could have made it. I’ve been so lucky to have the family and the opportunity to keep going. I was pigheaded enough to keep progressing.”
Sgt. 1st. Class Michael McPhail
34, Army, Second Olympics
50m Prone Rifle Shooting
“Your heart rate goes up, your adrenaline flows, and you have to push that excitement down and focus on making quality shots. Winning is fun. It always feels like you’re stepping up on that podium for the first time.”
Sgt. Nathan Schrimsher
23, Army, First Olympics
Modern Pentathlon
“A lot of people are telling me that now I can relax because I don’t have the pressure of qualifying anymore. But now the pressure to compete, and go win that gold, that’s on. It’s another set of pressure, but I’m ready for it.”
Sgt. Hillary Bor
27, Army, First Olympics
3,000-meter Steeplechase
“When I joined the military I stopped running, and then I started running for fun. Last year was when I thought I had a chance (to make the Olympics) and started my coaching program up to now. I can’t believe I made the team.”
2nd Lt. David Higgins
22, Air Force, First Olypmics
50m Prone Rifle Shooting
“I know I can do it. It’s not like I’m pressured to do it, it’s just whether it all falls into place. As long as I’m doing my job, everything will fall into place.”
Spc. Paul Chelimo
25, Army, First Olympics
Track & Field
“People don’t expect me to strike. That’s what gives me motivation. I want it to always be like that. I always want to go into races and be the underdog.”
Staff Sgt. Joshua Richmond
29, Army, Second Olympics
Double Trap Shotgun Shooting
“I’m a soldier who’s also an Olympian. I’m a soldier 24 hours a day. Being a good soldier is what’s also helped me become an Olympian. So everything’s kind of around the root of being a soldier, just by the way I’ve trained, the lessons I’ve learned, what it’s taught me.”
Sgt. 1st Class Keith Sanderson
41, Army, Third Olympics
25m Rapid Fire Pistol Shooting
“I feel like I have to get a gold. I want to be the best U.S. pistol shooter in history. I already have the most World Cups. The only thing I’m missing is that Olympic gold medal.”
Sgt. 1st Class Dan Lowe
23, Army, First Olympics
10m Air Rifle Shooting
“I accepted that my chances had gone down a lot, so I knew I had a lot of work to do. I didn’t want to know the point spread — I knew it was close, but I knew I needed to win (the final) to get this.”
Spc. Leonard Korir
29, Army, First Olympics
10,000-Meter Track & Field
“Inspired to challenge myself more by joining the military. Wanted to represent the Army in world class events like the Olympics and world championships.”
Sgt. Vincent Hancock
27, Army, Third Olympics
Skeet shooting
“You get out of this sport what you put into it, and I want every kid out there to know that they can do anything. You win Olympic medals by believing in yourself and trusting that you can do it no matter what. Dream big.”
1st Lt. Cale Simmons
25, Air Force, First Olympics
Pole Vault
“When I clinched a spot on the team, I remember thinking, ‘Oh my God, this could change my life.’ This is uncharted territory for me. It’s kind of overwhelming.”