By Bob Zimmerman
Veteran Advocate
and who knows what the Twisted Tongues are up to
in the current National Kitchen! More than likely Recipes We The People would toss in the 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue Trash Can. Why? Because they aren’t fit for consumption in this,
“The Land of the Free and Home of the Brave”
“UNBRIDILED GOVERNANCE”, if real, would be an unofficial Documentary Film produced and directed by, We The People. The Worldwide Premiere of such an explosive tale of Maestro Governance would be held on Tuesday November 6, 2012. More than likely it probably would receive an OSCAR Nomination!
Critics would herald the film, a diabolical script with well performed parts by top name Hollywood Actors. All of which are members of the Left Wing Zealots that occupy some of our nations most beautiful Beach Front Properties of the Land of the Free and Home of the Brave.
One wouldn’t hesitate to ponder the thought, why would these Pro-Left Stars, star in such a film they normally would have cast the script into the Sea, without hesitation, just off of their Sumptuous Properties along the Pacific Coast. No, no such consideration would be given when they saw the “GREEN” of, what might be called a ROLLS ROYCE Contract. The Jewelers along Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills would proclaim a pre-Christmas Extravaganza!
Of course we all know the above is fictional, but it does seem to mirror the carrying on that currently is entrenched in Washington, DC, our Great American National Capitol.
One of the most important dates in American History!