Folks, these photos are stark reminders of the Cost of Freedom. That cost is being borne by the young men and women who have chosen to serve We The People. Every day they are wounded or Killed in Action (KIA). These kids are the Sons and Daughters of our Fellow Americans. We often hear the phrase, “My thoughts and prayers are with you in your time of great loss.”
Lest We The People never forget of the great sacrifice made by our nations youth, in this war on Terror, or any war where our American Armed Forces have served during our 236-year history. These Men and Women deserve and shall forever be revered by all who have the great privilege of being, Proud To Be American.
These images are more that just photos of remembrance, or of a Wounded Warrior being medevaced from the battlefield to treatment for wounds. They are reminders of the Cost of Freedom, and who it is We The People say “Thank you for your service” to in the Defense of Freedom.
Each and every time we read in Newspaper Headlines, or hear on Radio News and or Television News, X amount of Troops KIA or Wounded Warrors being transported to American Medical Facilities across the world for lifesaving treatment.
Remember you don’t have to personally know and love a member of the Armed Forces, to be thankful for your Freedom, but you can donate a dollar or two to help make a difference for our Defenders of Freedom. The Google Search below is your guide to make a difference.
Locally here in San Diego, our hometown Injured Marine Fund is a great way to give a helping hand to Wounded Warriors being treated at San Diego’s, Naval Medical Center and the Naval Medical Center at Camp Pendleton.