A previous assignment was to get dressed one morning with your spouse in mind. In other words, rather than thinking about what YOU want to wear, pick clothes that in some way connect to your spouse. Maybe you wore something your spouse gave you as a gift. Or maybe you wore something you know your spouse thinks you look great in.
This week, I want you to turn your attention to YOUR SPOUSE’S wardrobe.
Think about what you like your spouse to wear. What color do you think looks best on them? Don’t you just love it when your spouse wears…
Your assignment for this week is to ask your spouse to wear something in particular for you. Why? Because it demonstrates that you care, that you’re thinking about them, and that you’re connected to them. Why else would it matter to you what they wear?
“Honey, why don’t you wear that blue shirt today that you look so nice in?”
“Can you wear your dress watch today?”
“I love the way you look in that v-neck you got for your birthday last year. Why don’t you wear that to the party tonight?”
“You haven’t worn that sexy underwear in a while. Do you feel like wearing it today?”
This demonstrates to your spouse that you’re tuned into them and that what they do matters to you. It shows that you care about the details of their life. It’s a sign that you’re connected even to the clothes on their back. Basically, it’s a simple way to say, “I notice you.”
Here’s a related bonus idea for this week. Instead of asking your spouse to wear something that’s in their closet, buy them a gift and give it to them just when you want them to wear it.
For example, let’s say you have a graduation celebration to go to next Sunday. Buy something special your spouse, give it to them the morning of the occasion, and tell them you bought it especially for them to wear today.
Once again, this demonstrates that you really feel that you’re going to this celebration TOGETHER. And that you’re involved in the details of their life. Remember: “Love is in the details.”
Have a great week!
Mort Fertel, Author & Founder of Marriage Fitness