Set during World War II, BOMB GIRLS tells the remarkable stories of women who risked their lives in a munitions factory, building bombs for the European front. Liberated from social and cultural restrictions, they embrace their newfound freedom, changing their lives — and the world around them — forever.
You know how it is. Our youth party down every weeknight and go crazy at underground clubs every weekend. The government is fractured. Our servicemen are dying overseas. More and more women are their families’ top earners. We’re seeing major medical advances, especially in cosmetic surgery. There are rampant STDs and everybody drinks too much. The pecking order is crumbling, sex is a bargaining chip, and our economic future is completely uncertain, except this time… it’s 1942. Like our fledgling country, which was swiftly discovering its value and power, one segment of society was profoundly transformed by the war years – the women.
Set during World War II, Bomb Girls tells the remarkable stories of women who risked their lives in a munitions factory, building bombs for the European front. Liberated from social and cultural restrictions, they embrace their newfound freedom, changing their lives — and the world around them — forever.
With men seduced away to serve their country, women are enticed to serve their men. They work in munitions factories, building the arms that keep their overseas husbands, lovers, brothers and sons alive and fighting. For these women, the freedoms they’re fighting for… come to include their own. While they’re building bombs, women also find themselves flourishing with newfound freedom, discovering strengths they never before imagined. At the same time they’re often woefully under equipped for the new challenges they face. Amid propaganda and sexual harassment, crossing social and cultural boundaries, these remarkable women form a kind of sisterhood never before experienced.
Bomb Girls delves into the lives of exceptional women — peers, friends and rivals. There’s the fiery rich girl Gladys, played by Jodi Balfour,looking to escape her crushing social expectations. There’s gentle, honey-voiced Kate, played by Charlotte Hegele who lands in Toronto on a raft of secrets. There’s tough-talking Betty, played by Ali Liebert, who’s finally found a place where she belongs. And there’s the gritty matron Lorna, played by Academy Award® nominee Meg Tilly, whose heart blossoms through the power of work and unexpected romance. The women form an unexpected kinship, while contending with the fathers, brothers, coworkers and suitors who are also facing various struggles (and advantages) of staying home.
When your overseas lover could be shot dead tomorrow, when the materials you work with could explode in your face today, when you’re not sure if the free world will even be standing next month… you play your cards how you want — and you don’t play by the old rules.
While set on North American soil, Bomb Girls looks at the wars fought on every front. Whether it’s Hitler or a handy foreman, whether the Western Front is Dieppe or your bra-clip, whether the changing boundaries are in Alsace-Lorraine or on the factory floor… World War II had its shares of invasions and battles — and so do our women. They’re fighting the Battle of the Bulge in its every guise. While their newfound freedom offers thrills, it comes with conditions and a greater chance of mistakes, responsibility — even danger. But as they come to learn on every level… such is the price of freedom. And once they enjoy the new terrain they’ve fought to gain… they won’t ever give it up without a fight.
Bomb Girls premieres Tuesdays, starting September 11, 2012 at 10pm ET and at 10pm PT. REELZ is available nationwide on DirecTV channel 238, Dish Network channel 299, Verizon FiOS channel 233, AT&T on channel 1799HD and 799SD and cable systems nationwide. Find your channel at