By Bob Zimmerman
Veteran Advocate
“Simply put: Over the past three years, we have brought in more revenue than forecast, and spent less than budgeted,” Republican Gov. Robert McDonnell said Wednesday. “That is responsible fiscal management. It is the Virginia way.”
We The People Salute you Sir. May your “Smart Governance” rub off on your neighbors in Washington, D.C. The Pied Piper Party and it’s Lemming Followers are headed for the Cliff of Doom with their, Who, What, When, and Where, Who’s On First Governance. Give them another 4 years of spinning The Top Governance would drain our National Treasury.
This City on the Hill is Gods most beautiful garden. If the State of Virginia can get rid itself of its Bad Economic Weeds using Common Sense Governance, then We The People in of the rest of the 49 States of this Democratic Republic should be able to follow suit.
Together, We The People, using good Common Sense, can wave the same Magic Wand and vote TO RETURN PROSPERITY TO OUR GREAT NATION, on Election Day 2012.